Thursday, April 29, 2010

Essentials for GMAT data sufficiency.. Must read

What is Data Sufficiency?

Data sufficiency is designed to measure your ability to

1. Analyse a quantitative problem
2. Recognize which information is relevant
3. Synthesize data
4. Determine at which point there is sufficient information to solve a problem.

Data sufficiency questions contains a question statement, followed by two sub statements labeled (1) and (2). Do not waste valuable time solving a problem. Only determine the statements sufficient to solve a problem.

Follow the flow chart presented below.
 The order of preference while answering a question is
  • D
  • A/B
  • C
  • E
There are 5 possible scenario's while answering questions. They are:

Scenario 1:
Check question statement and statement (1) first. If you get an answer, wait
Check question statement and statement (2)alone. If you get an answer now mark D

Scenario 2:
Check question statement and statement (1) first. If you get an answer, wait
Check question statement and statement (2)alone. If you do not get an answer now mark A

Scenario 3:
Check question statement and statement (1) first. If you do not get an answer
Check question statement and statement (2)alone. If you do get an answer now mark B

Scenario 4:
Combine question statement ,statement (1) and statement (2).
If you get an answer now mark C

Scenario 5:
Combine question statement ,statement (1) and statement (2).
If you do not get an answer now mark E

I hope you get your DS sums right now. Mail me at for your GMAT doubts...:-)

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  1. Great Post! I love to read articles that are informative and beneficial for me.

  2. thanks for sharing information really it is very useful

    GMAT Data Sufficiency
