Friday, April 23, 2010

Wow strategies for GMAT critical reasoning

Now some critical thoughts

Most people find the weaken/strengthen critical reasoning questions tough to crack.
Here’s good news!

If the question is weaken/ strengthen the logic is inductive. i.e. a conclusion is drawn
•from examples,
•from analogies(comparing two things)
•from cause effect relationship(causal logic)
•or from statistics( numbers, ratio, percentages)

To weaken argument from examples – choose counter example from options
To weaken analogy – choose the option that shows non- comparability
To weaken causal –choose alternative causes from option
To weaken statistics- choose option that shows unrepresentativeness

Reverse these m you are ready for strengthen.
How write strategy like the above for each logic type for strengthen question
Now work on 10 weaken/10 strengthen questions from OG. Voila! You’ve bloomed to be a logician (does that exist??)

Let me know if it works.

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1 comment:

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