Showing posts with label GMAT tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMAT tips. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

5 tips to keep in mind while you prepare for the GMAT

Aiming for 650+ in the GMAT focus edition?

In the  in the first attempt?

If yes, keep in mind these 5 tips while preparing

1.Be realistic

Take a GMAT diagnostic test. If your score is 300 - 400, set a target of a 100 point jump in 2-3 months. Once u reach 500+ then aim for a 50 point jump in 1 month.

If you get a 300 in your diagnostic test, then aiming for a 200 point jump in a few weeks is tough.

Set small term goals. Achieve them. Then move on to the next goal.  

Make study goals like “I will do 20 questions daily”. Make goals specific and doable.

2.Be consistent

10 hours of study spaced out over 5 days is more effective than 20 hours of study in 2 days. Aim to be consistent.  Study daily for an hour or 2. Don’t cram yourself with concepts.

Accumulation of small wins over many days is the mantra.

Repetition of concepts to helps you to  solidify the basics.

3.Focus on high quality study vs high volume study

A "high quality study" refers to a study with rigorous methodology, prioritizing accuracy and reliability of results, while a "high volume study" refers to a study that involves mindlessly doing a large number of questions without  trying to learn from mistakes. Essentially, a high quality study aims for deep, well grounded insights while a high volume study aims for broad coverage.

High quality GMAT prep involves

  • following a structured study plan
  • In-depth study of concepts. Repeated revisions of concepts/rules
  • Developing strategies or following recommended ones for each question type
  • Repeated testing - sections-wise tests/mock tests
  • Identifying weak areas and making a remedial plan

Feel free to approach a GMAT tutor if you find the preparation overwhelming.

My contact link is here:

4.Focus on time management

Time management requires discipline.

While preparing for exam - Study 1 or 2hrs daily for 1 month or more.Setting daily study targets and having a dedicated time for practice will help you ace the GMAT.

While taking the exam- The first 5 questions take 20 minutes. The next 5 questions take 15 minutes. The remaining questions take 10 minutes.  This time split will ensure that you spend maximum time answering the initial questions. This will ensure a high score.

5. Lean to tackle test anxiety

Few tips to tackle test anxiety

1. Start your GMAT prep early. - This gives you ample time to lay a sound foundation.

2. Over-prepare- Work on hard level questions, so that you can tackle any question type. Do timed tests. So that you can learn to manage time and not get stressed when u see the timer.

3. Do as many as mock tests as you can.Prepare yourself thoroughly, try to complete a practice test in the same conditions you will experience during the real thing.

4. Try breathing or mindfulness exercises -One simple exercise you can try is breathing in through your nose for the count of four, holding your breath for a count of seven. Exhaling slowly for a count of eight. Repeat a few times. Deep breathing is a simple way to deal with test anxiety

5. Talk to a coach/tutor. Experienced tutors would have helped other students overcome test anxiety with effective tips

6. Go to the test centre early. Be mindfull of what you eat and drink that day.

Happy Learning

Friday, April 5, 2024

GMAT Critical reasoning 10 min test 1

5 questions in 10 mins

Directions: choose the right answer for each of the following questions.

1.Columnist: There are several symptoms of depression. One symptom is sleeping more than 12 hours a day. Therefore, you should buy an alarm clock so that you do not sleep more than 8 hours a day to cure your depression.

If the article also noted that excessive sleeping is caused by reduced serotonin levels resulting from depression, then which of the arguments below best describes the logical flaw in the columnist’s reasoning?

(A) Sleep has many beneficial effects.

(B) The columnist has mistaken an argument for an explanation.

(C) The columnist has mistaken a premise for a conclusion.

(D) The columnist has failed to consider that an alarm clock may not be a reliable means of assuring a person wakes up.

E) The columnist has mistaken a symptom for a cause.

2.For the safety-conscious Swedish market, a United States manufacturer of desktop computers developed a special display screen that produces a much weaker electromagnetic field surrounding the user than do ordinary screens. Despite an advantage in this respect over its competitors, the manufacturer is introducing the screen into the United States market without advertising it as a safety improvement.

Which of the following, if true, provides a rationale for the manufacturer’s approach to advertising the screen in the United States?

(A) Many more desktop computers are sold each year in the United States market than are sold in the Swedish market.

(B) The manufacturer does not want its competitors to become aware of the means by which the company has achieved this advance in technology.

(C) Most business and scientific purchasers of desktop computers expect to replace such equipment eventually as better technology becomes available on the market.

(D) An emphasis on the comparative safety of the new screen would call into question the safety of the many screens the manufacturer has already sold in the United States.

(E) Concern has been expressed in the United States over the health effects of the large electromagnetic fields surrounding electric power lines.

3.Most doctors recommend that pregnant women eat a nutritious diet to promote the health of their babies. However, most babies who are born to women who ate nutritious diets while pregnant still develop at least one medical problem in their first year.

Which one of the following, if true, does most to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above?

(A) Women who regularly eat a nutritious diet while pregnant tend to eat a nutritious diet while breast-feeding.

(B) Most of the babies born to women who did not eat nutritious diet while pregnant develop no serious medical problems later in childhood.

(C) Babies of women who did not eat nutritious diets while pregnant tend to have more medical problems in their first year than do other babies.

(D) Medical problems that develop in the first year of life tend to be more serious than those that develop later in childhood.

(E) Many of the physicians who initially recommended that pregnant women consume nutritious diets have only recently reaffirmed their recommendation.

4.The mayor boasts that the average ambulance turnaround time, the time from summons to delivery of the patient, has been reduced this year for top-priority emergencies. This is a serious misrepresentation. This “reduction” was produced simply by redefining “top priority.” Such emergencies used to include gunshot wounds and electrocutions, the most time-consuming cases. Now they are limited strictly to heart attacks and strokes.

Which one of the following would strengthen the author’s conclusion that it was the redefinition of “top priority” that produced the reduction in turnaround time?

(A) The number of heart attacks and strokes declined this year.

(B) The mayor redefined the city’s financial priorities this year.

(C) Experts disagree with the mayor’s definition of “top-priority emergency.”

(D) Other cities include gunshot wound cases in their category o top-priority emergencies.

(E) One half of all of last year’s top-priority emergencies were gunshot wounds and electrocution cases.

5. Several ancient Greek texts provide accounts of people being poisoned by honey that texts suggest was made from the nectar of rhododendron or oleander plants. Honey made from such nectar can cause the effects the texts describe, but only if eaten fresh, since the honey loses its toxicity within a few weeks of being made. In Greece, rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant sources of nectar.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly support the accounts of Greek texts?

(A) There are no plants that Greece in ancient times that produce more nectar than rhododendrons or oleanders does.

(B) In areas where neither rhododendrons nor oleanders grow, honey is never poisonous

(C) A beehive’s honeycomb cannot have some sections that contain toxic honey and other sections that contain nontoxic honey.

(D) The incidents of honey poisoning that are related in the ancient texts occurred in the springtime or in the early summer.

(E) Whether the honey in a beehive is toxic depends solely on which plants were the source of that was used to make the honey.

Answer key:

1.E 2. D 3.C 4.E 5.D 

If you need further explanations on any question. Click here to ask a query. we will reach out to you with in-depth solutions. …..

Schedule a counselling session with our tutor to get a customized plan to ace the new GMAT

My contact link is here:

LinkedIn profile

Facebook learning group:

Monday, July 12, 2021

Ten ‘feel good’ factors about GMAT


Ten ‘feel good’ factors about GMAT 

  • You can retake the exam to improve your score 
  • There are hardly any surprise elements in the exam
  • A great score in the GMAT can cancel out ‘not- so -great’ undergrad grades
  • GMAT scores can land you merit scholarship 
  • GMAT scores are valid for five years
  • Many Indian business schools use GMAT scores for admission
  • You don’t have to master ENTIRE Grammar.only select concepts
  • Critical reasoning preparation helps in both reading comprehension and analytical writing
  • Now you can choose the order in which you want to attempt the sections
  • Both math and verbal learning comes handy in IR
for self-paced, individualized preparatory packages..mail/ call/ message me

My contact link is here:

Thursday, April 29, 2021

3 ways to improve your math skills - GMAT math tips

Math is tough for some of us.

The reason - The way, math was taught to us in school or college.

Can it be mastered now?

Yes, you can...

GMAT  mainly tests your mathematical reasoning.

Your ability to 

  • reason with numbers and symbols.
  • apply principles/formula and solve questions
  • evaluate cases or arguments
  • strategize for a solution
  • identify patterns and use logic
  • check data efficacy and more.

So if you are taught skills ( Skills are different from math concepts), you will be fine.

Ping me if you would like to know more about the math skill-development course .

My contact details are here:

LinkedIn profile :

So how we do work on our math skills. Here are 3 ways, which can help you hone your general math skills

1.Make math part of your daily life... practice it without even thinking

For example, if a dress that’s regularly $50 is on sale for 30% off, what is the sale price?  

Do simple calculation.

Or if you have to travel 20 miles. You are going at a speed of 20 miles per hour. How long will you take?

2.Use mental math everyday

20+30+45+60 = ??? don’t use calculator.

What is 15 squared or what is 20 squared…

Everyday spend 5 - 10 minutes working on basic computation


3.Practice diagramming

Always picture a math problem.

Make few circles/ draw connections/ some stick figures….

Here are sample images for math problems

If you have any queries regarding math preparation.. ping me

Happy learning... 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Tools for 700+ on the GMAT


Here are some tools for 700+

1. 4 months of structured preparation

2. Master math concepts 

The math section contains 31 multiple choice questions of two types: Data Sufficiency and problem-solving. Both these question types are intermingled throughout the section.

You will be allowed a maximum of 62 minutes to solve the entire section. This section measures your ability to 
  • reason quantitatively, 
  • solve quantitative problems and 
  • interpret graphic data. 
The questions are derived from Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Modern Math.
If you haven’t had math at the plus two level, go back to the 9th, 10th level math to get started; slowly graduate to GMAT math. Irrespective of prior knowledge, you can come to a comfort zone in GMAT math in 3 months flat.

If you are weak in math.. Feel free to ping me.. We can do a math foundation course for you

My contact info is here..

In arithmetic acquire knowledge of numbers, ratio and proportion, percentages, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, time speed and distance, time and work.

In algebra study quadratic equations, linear/ bi-Linear equations, trigonometry. The essentials of Geometry are lines, quadrilateral, circles, polygons, trapezium and mensuration.  Learn how to interpret data graphs, pie charts, bar graphs and casselets and statistics concepts such as mode, mean, standard deviation and median.

3. Reinforce the 25 sentence correction concepts.

The verbal section is the toughest section in the test. This section induces undue strain on the test taker. Besides this section is concept intensive unlike any other aptitude test.

Besides, each question type is long sentence or paragraph based requiring extensive reading of verbal information.

Let us take a closer look

The sentence correction questions (12/13) of them tests correctness and effectiveness of expression. You have to choose the option that conforms to standard written English; you have to pay attention to grammar, syntactical constructions, diction, clarity and semantic conformity.

Since GMAT is a standardized test and each question is pre tested on a test taking population we can predict and hence prepare for the test. One can go prepared for the exam with 100 percent conceptual clarity. Moreover if the test taker knows what exactly GMAT tests he can streamline and learn only those selected topics – be it verbal or math.


4. Internalize the tactics for critical reasoning question types

Critical reasoning tests one’s ability to discern verbal data and draw inferences, conclusions and underlying assumptions from them. Besides, it also tests one’s skill in evaluating the logic of arguments. Interestingly GMAT has been designed for a 25+ age group and hence, those who are younger need to put in much more time in preparation than those in the 25+ age group. CR necessitates wide reading of and knowledge in subjects as varied as economics, sciences, research, humanities and the like.

Critical reasoning is one scoring area where you can maximize your performance.

In this section you are given a short paragraph, an argument, followed by one or occasionally two questions. You must analyse the argument, understand the given data and answer the question that follow.

In our analysis of critical reasoning testing over a decade we have derived the following insights into the area.
  • That one needs to know the basics of formal logic.
  • That there is a whole domain of knowledge that can be applied to this area of testing
  • That it is possible to derive generalizable and transferable tactics to solve each of the question
  • That it is possible to anticipate question types in the actual test.
  • That it is possible to use principles of test construction to gauge the difficulty level of a question
  • That reasoning is like math in which you can hit 100%.accuracy
  • That transfer of learning happens when each tactic is reinforced through practice.
  • That the question types require varied pacing, enabling one to ensure accuracy in high weightage questions

5. Maximize practice on data sufficiency questions

Data Sufficiency is designed to measure your ability to:

1.   Analyze a quantitative problem

2.   Recognize which information is relevant

3.   Synthesize data

4.    Determine at what point there is sufficient information to solve a problem.

Data Sufficiency problems contain a question followed by two statements followed by labeled (1) and (2). You must decide whether the statements given offer enough data to answer the question.

6. Apply all learnt concepts in original official guide questions 


7. Read extensively-

 philosophy, art and literature reviews, socio-history, science journals; practice extensively passages with questions


8. Write essays employing the strategies appended in the info kit

(write min of 15 argument essays.) Have them reviewed by a est expert. It would also be prudent to make preliminary notes on each of the pre-disclosed essay prompts.


9. Plan remedial learning for weaker topics.


10. With every computer- based test, take the essays( do not get habituated to math and verbal alone) 

This trains your thinking for 3 hour GMAT!!


11. Repeatedly solve GMAT official guide ( but only after thorough logic building)


12. If you are not a systematic self- learner, take up quality training from an experienced GMAT trainer.

You can schedule a counselling session with me.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

5 study tips for GMAT preparation


GMAT is one of the most revered standardized tests, dreaded by most, tamed by some, few have a clear understanding of how and how long to prepare for the test. Any gap in preparation and you are in for a shock; retake a costly mistake. Do it right the first time itself.

Use every weapon in your armory to improve your score even by 10 points. 

A verbal section has 36 questions on grammar, reading comprehension and critical reasoning. and a math section that comprises 31 questions based on fundamental math concepts and data sufficiency.

Here are 5 study tips which can help you prepare for the GMAT.

1. Be systematic in your preparation

Study daily. 

Devote 30 to 60 minutes.

A sample 60 min daily schedule

Day 1:
30 mins- reading comprehension practice
15 mins – Revise sentence correction rules. Apply SC rules in questions
15 mins- Revise number system concepts. Apply number system concepts on practice sums

Day 2:
30 mins- reading comprehension practice
15 mins – Revise critical reasoning rules. Apply CR rules in questions
15 mins- Revise geometry concepts. Apply geometry concepts on sums


2. Focus on building accuracy first… speed later

You have 36 question in the verbal section. You need to complete the section in 65 mins. 
You got less than 2 minutes per question.

When you start your prep you might take 10 minutes to solve a math question or  
30 minutes to read and answer the questions in a reading comprehension passage.

Do not worry. Take you time. Focus on getting all the questions correct.

When you review the questions again, look for
  • alternate approaches while solving a math question. These approaches can minimize problem solving time.
  • clue words which can help you identify SC errors fast
  • cue words, which can help you make inferences, while analyzing Reading comprehension passages ….

When you identify these clues, you will be able to arrive at an answer faster.

So be patient. 
Seek help if you need more speed-building techniques  ..

My contact info is here..

3. Aim to finish you prep as soon as possible

The top scores in the GMAT spend 120+ hours, on average. 

The length of each study session can be 1 hr to 2 hrs, depending on your attention span.

Do not prolong your preparation, you might get demotivated. 

4. Use the right study material

Your study material should have
1.  in-depth concept discussion 
2.  practice questions
3.  test taking strategies

Some of you might require additional material, apart from the GMAT course material. For example
  • basic math refresher course 
  • basic verbal course 
  • basic course on reasoning.
Do your research and choose the right material. 

We, at semantics, have designed course-ware for GMAT aspirants with no prior preparatory experience. Covering all areas of testing extensively, the course package provides all learning material required and experiences ideal for you to master the exam and score high.

5. Follow a study plan

Before you start your preparation, you need to make a study plan. 

This is not a test that you can cram for. To ace the GMAT you need to study daily. 

You need to gradually build your skills and stamina, so that you can hit peak performance on test day.

Remember GMAT tests more than the formulae in math and grammar rules in the verbal 

GMAT tests your ability to 
  • Make decisions 
  • Think critically
  • Reason with numbers
  • Identify patterns and so on

If you need help in making a study plan. Feel free to contact me..

Happy learning...

Friday, September 11, 2015

GMAT reading comprehension? Just do it

Keep your fears away
One fear most test takers feel is ‘ what if the passages are totally unfamiliar’. This is highly unlikely if you have spent a good amount of time reading quality passages and have taken good number of comprehension tests.

Imagine yourself succeeding
Be optimistic about your preparation and success in the GRE test.  Start your preparation early so that you do not take the test till you are ready.

For god’s sake do not procrastinate
The day you wake up to think, oh I have plenty of time left for prep, you are on the road to procrastination. You have semester work, events to participate in, personal issues; none of these should come in the way of your reaching your goal.

All strategies need not work for you
We all vary in our styles of learning. Some of us would require longer preparation time, others less. It’s more rewarding to compare our performance today with our own past performance than with that of others.

Do not expect overnight results
Efficient reading involves building an array of skills. It takes time. Perseverance is the key. Lot of hard work is required to excel, give up not.

Do research, learn those tiny tips from friends who are preparing for verbal tests, what worked for them, what did not, they are invaluable sources of test info.

Meditate; with your learning your own reflections and insights can throw up new ideas that work best for you.

Do not panic; 
instead make a panic plan. Put together a remedial plan with the help of a mentor- a senior or trainer; there is always a way out.

Invest intelligently in buying good reading material: 
books, CDs, general reading material. And invest time wisely.

Selfishness is a virtue 
If Ayn Rand did feel that way, so can you. Do not spare your reading time playing agony aunt/uncle for those hapless souls; nevertheless when you need reassurance ask and get! Howzzat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ten ways to score poorly in the GMAT

Ten ways to score poorly in GMAT! If you are rich enough for retakes, that is

1. I know math, so no need to go thru the same old arithmetic, algebra, geometry stuff
2.  Tones of free downloads on your pc..what is relevant, what is not, even God may not know..
3. Just official guide, what else, nothing official about it…
4. I will join for the costliest, longest duration course in town…let them get me the score, no need to  study at  home..
5. I wont do the essays while practicing, only math and verbal mock exams  will do
6. I speak and write good English, so verbal is going to be a cake walk, no less
7.  I need just one month for preparation, after all I had high grades in college.
8.  Do as many tests as possible, in fact 90 percent of my preparation time should be spent on tests. concepts? What concepts?
9. My friend said GMAT was easy for him, no tough qns ( hey, what was your friend’s score?)
10. Out of five tests  I  did, one test I scores above 650. So I will give the test as planned.  I believe in luck!

PS Good luck 

Friday, July 17, 2015

5 Tips to crack the sentence correction section of the GMAT.

Here are some of the GMAT sentence corrections tips I compiled.  I have added examples for each tip.

1.Check pronouns:their,his,her…..

Wrong sentence: The instructor asked everyone of the trainees to remain in their respective seat.
Correct sentence: The instructor asked everyone of the trainees to remain in his respective seat.

2. Check for pronoun omission:

Wrong sentence: In Japan elderly people are treated with far greater respect than most Western countries.
Elderly people in japan vs western countries?????

Correct sentence: In Japan elderly people are treated with far greater respect than those in most Western countries.

3. Check subject verb

Wrong sentence: A slowdown becomes useful only when the opportunity to both reorient as well as innovate are used for further growth.
Slowdown …………………………..are???

Correct sentence: A slowdown becomes useful only when the opportunity to both reorient as well as innovate is used for further growth.

4. Watch for incomplete comparisions

Wrong sentences: California’s child-support payments are as high or higher than other states.
As high……..

Correct sentences: California’s child-support payments are as high as or higher than other states.

5.Watch for descriptions in the beginning

Wrong sentences: Disturbed by the media’s relentless criticism, it was decided by Gupta to resign as the chairman of TERI.
What does it refer to…….medias criticism or the disturbances

Correct sentences: Disturbed by the media’s relentless criticism, Gupta designed to resign as the chairman of TERI.

These are some of the three dozen this space for more… email us your feedback or visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

GMAT reading comprehension - How to prepare Part 1

Comprehension: fix it
Every admission test includes a section on passage comprehension, in which a test taker is required to read, analyse and answer questions based on what is stated or implied in the passage. 

These questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities pre-requisite to academic study at a higher level. Those abilities include:
  • understanding the meaning of individual words, phrases and sentences with in the passage
  • understanding the meaning and purpose of paragraphs and larger bodies of text
  • distinguishing between specific details and meaty points
  • summarizing a paragraph or an entire passage
  • drawing conclusions from the given data
  • reasoning out extended information
  • understanding the structure of writing and organization of arguments
  • identifying the author’s assumptions and opinions
  • synthesizing various points coherently
  • identifying strengths and weaknesses of a position
  • developing and considering alternative explanations
  •  Gleaning the tone and tenor of the author

As this list implies, reading and understanding a piece of text requires far more than a passive understanding of the words and sentences it contains; it requires active engagement with the text, asking questions, formulating and evaluating hypotheses and reflecting on the relationship of the particular text to other texts and information. Passages are generally drawn from the life sciences, arts, humanities and everyday topics and are based on material found in books and periodicals, both academic and nonacademic.  Questions can cover any of the topics listed above, from the meaning of a particular word to assessing additional evidence that might support or weaken points made in the passage. Mostly  the questions are standard multiple-choice questions, in which you are required to select a single answer choice, and others ask you to select multiple answer be the next blog

Thursday, September 12, 2013

GMAT superia is compiling an online repository of - easy to understand tips for math/verbal/essay/IR.  Please copy them into your notebook and revise them regularly.

MATH tips:
Verbal tips:
Essay and IR Tips:

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to decode permutation and combination

Intimidated by permutation and combination....Watch this video to remove your fear

Monday, November 19, 2012

The big 50 point jump in the GMAT

Are you aspiring for a 700 in the GMAT and trying to figure out why your score is stuck at 650 and not hitting the 700 mark?

Here are potential reasons.

Firstly, are you ready for higher order reasoning and problem solving?  Find out, how consistently you have performed in data sufficiency questions, inference questions in reading comprehension and weaken/strengthen questions in critical reasoning( assuming  you worked out Official guide questions)

Secondly, while taking the computer based tests, did you fall short of time and guessed more than 5 question in either/both QA and VA section. If so penalty and poor pacing and time management is the issue.

Thirdly, your concentration wears of while you are working on the last part of the Verbal Ability section. Build stamina, slowly and steadily by taking many 4hrs tests.

To raise your score from 650 to 700, let’s say a re-taker do spend 30 days reworking on concepts, practicing with hundreds of tougher questions and analyse these questions to improve your performance.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How to study for the GMAT math?

Video covers 1.How do I start? How much time? Should I self study? 2.Sources required to build concepts & higher order reasoning 3.How to build mathematical reasoning 4.How many tests... Visit www.gmatsuperia for more info Email for responses & queries

Monday, September 10, 2012

GMAT verbal tips ( critical reasoning )

Inference is what follow the given statements, what must be true
Assumptions are what must precede the conclusion; what may have to be true.

If A is greater than B and B greater than C and B greater than D

Inference---B is lesser than A

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

GMAT verbal rules in a capsule ( sentence correction )-3

In GMAT SC do not consider wanted repletion redundant. Wrong : From a very close relationship with one of its parents, which lasts thirteen to fifteen years, a young chimpanzee learns social behaviour. Right: From a very close relationship with one of its parents, a relationship that lasts thirteen to fifteen years, a young chimpanzee learns social behaviour. ‘which’ ambiguously can refer to parents. Wordiness is better than ambiguity. Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious

Monday, July 9, 2012

GMAT rules in a capsule ( sentence correction ) 1

In GMAT SC redundancy is an error. Redundant: the new novel innovation in the program is appreciated. Concise: the innovation in the program is appreciated. Avoid unnecessary repetition. Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious

Saturday, October 22, 2011

GMAT CR tips

be aware of the most common ways in which reasoning can go wrong. this will help spot them in CR arguments as well as
guard against these errors in your essay writing.
some of those ways are
- confusing cause and effect
- using unpresentative statistics
- employing faulty analogy
- drawing hasty generalisation
more of these you may get at our website-

Thursday, August 11, 2011

GMAT critical reasoning concepts

Are you feeling the heat while preparing for GMAT critical reasoning? You are not alone, there are 1000’s of GMAT aspirants who are struggling with GMAT CR. Do you want to know why?

Plain simple, they have not studied the concepts.

For algebra there are concepts, for geometry there are concepts so why not for GMAT Critical reasoning.

Let me take you through one concept in Critical reasoning

Concept: Inference vs assumption
What is an inference? What is an assumption….
Test aspirants get confused with these two terms.

Lets take an example and clear the confusion
If A>B and B>C ….what can you conclude?…. Yes A>C
A>C is a conclusion.

Now what is an inference.
If A>;B you can infer B….. This is an inference.
You need more than one statement(CR term-premises) to arrive at a conclusion. You can arrive at an inference with one statement.

Lets take a CR case
In film and videotape, it is possible to induce viewers to project their feeling on to characters on screen. In one study, when a camera shot of a woman’s face was preceded by a shot of a baby in a crib, the audience thought that the woman’s face was registering happiness. When the same shot of the woman’s face was preceded by a shot of a lion running toward the camera, the audience thought that the woman’s face was registering fear.

Find out the inference……..common give it a shot….
First look out for a premise….
“when a camera shot of a woman’s face was preceded by a shot of a baby in a crib, the audience thought that the woman’s face was registering happiness.”

When the audience saw the picture of the baby, they thought the woman washappy,but in actuallity it was the audience
itself that was happy.

So you can infer –
 A camera shot of a baby in a crib provoked feelings of happiness in the audience.

Similarly since there is one more evidence there can be one more inference.

 A camera shot of a lion running towards camera provoked feelings of fear in the audience.

Simple…… Yes CR is as simple as this if you know concepts…mail me if you want more info….

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