Aiming for 650+ in the GMAT focus edition?
In the in the first attempt?
If yes, keep in mind these 5 tips while preparing
1.Be realistic
Take a GMAT diagnostic test. If your score is 300 - 400, set a target of a 100 point jump in 2-3 months. Once u reach 500+ then aim for a 50 point jump in 1 month.
If you get a 300 in your diagnostic test, then aiming for a 200 point jump in a few weeks is tough.
Set small term goals. Achieve them. Then move on to the next goal.
Make study goals like “I will do 20 questions daily”. Make goals specific and doable.
2.Be consistent
10 hours of study spaced out over 5 days is more effective than 20 hours of study in 2 days. Aim to be consistent. Study daily for an hour or 2. Don’t cram yourself with concepts.
Accumulation of small wins over many days is the mantra.
Repetition of concepts to helps you to solidify the basics.
3.Focus on high quality study vs high volume study
A "high quality study" refers to a study with rigorous methodology, prioritizing accuracy and reliability of results, while a "high volume study" refers to a study that involves mindlessly doing a large number of questions without trying to learn from mistakes. Essentially, a high quality study aims for deep, well grounded insights while a high volume study aims for broad coverage.
High quality GMAT prep involves
- following a structured study plan
- In-depth study of concepts. Repeated revisions of concepts/rules
- Developing strategies or following recommended ones for each question type
- Repeated testing - sections-wise tests/mock tests
- Identifying weak areas and making a remedial plan
Feel free to approach a GMAT tutor if you find the preparation overwhelming.
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4.Focus on time management
Time management requires discipline.
While preparing for exam - Study 1 or 2hrs daily for 1 month or more.Setting daily study targets and having a dedicated time for practice will help you ace the GMAT.
While taking the exam- The first 5 questions take 20 minutes. The next 5 questions take 15 minutes. The remaining questions take 10 minutes. This time split will ensure that you spend maximum time answering the initial questions. This will ensure a high score.
5. Lean to tackle test anxiety
Few tips to tackle test anxiety
1. Start your GMAT prep early. - This gives you ample time to lay a sound foundation.
2. Over-prepare- Work on hard level questions, so that you can tackle any question type. Do timed tests. So that you can learn to manage time and not get stressed when u see the timer.
3. Do as many as mock tests as you can.Prepare yourself thoroughly, try to complete a practice test in the same conditions you will experience during the real thing.
4. Try breathing or mindfulness exercises -One simple exercise you can try is breathing in through your nose for the count of four, holding your breath for a count of seven. Exhaling slowly for a count of eight. Repeat a few times. Deep breathing is a simple way to deal with test anxiety
5. Talk to a coach/tutor. Experienced tutors would have helped other students overcome test anxiety with effective tips
6. Go to the test centre early. Be mindfull of what you eat and drink that day.
Happy Learning
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