This blog is dedicated to GMAT aspirants who want tips; strategies,practice questions,learning videos and study notes on how to tackle the Reading comprehension,Problem solving, Data sufficiency and critical reasoning section of the GMAT.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
How to decode permutation and combination
Intimidated by permutation and combination....Watch this video to remove your fear
Monday, November 19, 2012
The big 50 point jump in the GMAT
Are you aspiring for a 700 in the GMAT and trying to figure out why your score is stuck at 650 and not hitting the 700 mark?
Here are potential reasons.
Firstly, are you ready for higher order reasoning and problem solving? Find out, how consistently you have performed in data sufficiency questions, inference questions in reading comprehension and weaken/strengthen questions in critical reasoning( assuming you worked out Official guide questions)
Secondly, while taking the computer based tests, did you fall short of time and guessed more than 5 question in either/both QA and VA section. If so penalty and poor pacing and time management is the issue.
Thirdly, your concentration wears of while you are working on the last part of the Verbal Ability section. Build stamina, slowly and steadily by taking many 4hrs tests.
To raise your score from 650 to 700, let’s say a re-taker do spend 30 days reworking on concepts, practicing with hundreds of tougher questions and analyse these questions to improve your performance.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
GMAT critical reasoning - Bold face arguments
Standard arguments comprises a set of supporting statements followed by a conclusion.
A bold face arguments is more complex
It can have
Evidence-conclusion- counter evidence-supporting statement
Evidence-conclusion-more evidence- final conclusion.....
Thursday, October 11, 2012
GMAT critical reasoning tips- Bold face arguments
GMAT bold face arguments
Take each statement independently and see how it is related to the entire argument, including the other bold face.
Do not take only the relationship between the statements in bold.
Monday, September 17, 2012
How to study for the GMAT math?
Video covers
1.How do I start? How much time? Should I self study?
2.Sources required to build concepts & higher order reasoning
3.How to build mathematical reasoning
4.How many tests...
Visit www.gmatsuperia for more info
Email for responses & queries
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
GMAT verbal tips ( critical reasoning )
Inference is what follow the given statements, what must be
Assumptions are what must precede the conclusion; what may
have to be true.
If A is greater than B and B greater than C and B greater than D
Thursday, August 30, 2012
GMAT verbal tips in a capsule ( sentence correction )-5
The pronoun should match the nouns, but that’s not sufficient.
Wrong: In1869, anxious to balance its population, the Wyoming legislature extended voting rights to women.
The pronoun ‘its’ agrees with the singular ‘Wyoming legislature’, but can legislature have a population.
Correct: In1869, anxious to balance the state’s population, the Wyoming legislature extended voting rights to women.
Attention to detail is what you should develop.
And do not forget to check the meaning of sentence.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
GMAT verbal rules in a capsule ( critical reasoning ) - 4
Some common flaws in arguments
1.faulty comparison (analogy)
2.Unrepresentative statistics
3.ignoring other casual factors
4.questionable cause evidences.
Build on CR vocabulary
1.faulty comparison (analogy)
2.Unrepresentative statistics
3.ignoring other casual factors
4.questionable cause evidences.
Build on CR vocabulary
Saturday, August 4, 2012
How many hrs should I prepare for GMAT
Based on observation If you haven't spent atleast 150hrs on GMAT preparation then the probability of you scoring 700+ is slim.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
GMAT verbal rules in a capsule ( sentence correction )-3
In GMAT SC do not consider wanted repletion redundant.
Wrong : From a very close relationship with one of its parents, which lasts thirteen to fifteen years, a young chimpanzee learns social behaviour.
Right: From a very close relationship with one of its parents, a relationship that lasts thirteen to fifteen years, a young chimpanzee learns social behaviour.
‘which’ ambiguously can refer to parents.
Wordiness is better than ambiguity.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
GMAT rules in a capsule ( sentence correction ) - 2
In GMAT Sentence correction look out for ‘wordy’ options, eliminate them.
Wrong: King Lear, which was written by Shakespeare, is made into a film.
Correct: King Lear, written by Shakespeare, is made into a film
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Monday, July 9, 2012
GMAT rules in a capsule ( sentence correction ) 1
In GMAT SC redundancy is an error.
Redundant: the new novel innovation in the program is appreciated.
Concise: the innovation in the program is appreciated.
Avoid unnecessary repetition.
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Thursday, June 28, 2012
Shortcuts while taking the GMAT
Actually there are no shortcuts
They are merely direct approaches. And people,GMAT aspirants dont take them because the shortcuts are too obvious and hence miss the naked eye.
Train your eye. open your mind. expand your boundaries.
And better,it saves time...
Some approaches. with options
2.substitute numbers
3.Work with percentages,ratios
Remember to diagram the problem and observe the relationships before deciding which route gives you the answer in the shortest possible time.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
GMAT Reading Comprehension – a royal challenge?
Reading Comprehension – a royal challenge?
My experience as a GMAT trainer throws up some interesting stuff
The most feared section in the GMAT – Reading comprehension
Top scorers( 700+) had mastered reading comprehension.
Majority ( those who underperformed )had ignored RC and are low on ‘ critical’ reading
Streamline your RC prep
Do three passages per day for 60 days( if you can)
Where to get unlimited passages?
Good books on GMAT of course
Plus GRE LSAT, SAT passages, yes you can read all these…
Now get going
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Monday, April 2, 2012
Come April- Its time to prepare for GMAT
‘April is the cruelest month’, said 20th C poet par excellence, TS Elliot in his acclaimed poem ‘ The Waste Land’. I am sure some of you in the corporate world would agree with Elliot. What with appraisals ending there without apt raises! This in at least some cases would be unjustified, you could not meet the targets since the team was weak, funds and resources were limited, the target was unrealistic, the list can be made endless, if we wish to.
Don’t you, at least some of you find the ‘un-raise’( can we coin a new word?) unjustified? Or that you got a raise in pay and perks, but the moving up the ladder seem elusive?
Why don’t you think, one of the ways is to upgrade your education?
A business course for instance- MBA, PGPX, PGPMAX, MDP – eMBA, they come in all shapes and sizes.
Consider April as the new year( any ways it is, in biz jargon).. plan to apply for an MBA or executive program from prestigious colleges- IIMs, ISB Hyderabad, US, UK, Singapore.. start preparing for the GMAT, take the GMAT 3-4 months from in a program this year itself
Is this unrealistic target? Nay… then let’s GMAT…
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Don’t you, at least some of you find the ‘un-raise’( can we coin a new word?) unjustified? Or that you got a raise in pay and perks, but the moving up the ladder seem elusive?
Why don’t you think, one of the ways is to upgrade your education?
A business course for instance- MBA, PGPX, PGPMAX, MDP – eMBA, they come in all shapes and sizes.
Consider April as the new year( any ways it is, in biz jargon).. plan to apply for an MBA or executive program from prestigious colleges- IIMs, ISB Hyderabad, US, UK, Singapore.. start preparing for the GMAT, take the GMAT 3-4 months from in a program this year itself
Is this unrealistic target? Nay… then let’s GMAT…
Friday, March 16, 2012
Using official guide for GMAT reading comprehension preparation part 1
Does GMAT reading comprehension scare you?
You have the official guide, but you have no clue on how to maximise the learning!
Watch this video to find out how you can use the official guide to polish your GMAT RC prep
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You have the official guide, but you have no clue on how to maximise the learning!
Watch this video to find out how you can use the official guide to polish your GMAT RC prep
Monday, March 5, 2012
10 must NOT DOs for GMAT reading comprehension
10 must NOT DOs for GMAT RC
1.Reading only for the topic
Read for the author’s opinions running parallel to the topic as well
2.Concentrating on the specific details
Higher weightage questions demand overall intent, flow and tone of the passage.
3.Choosing a stated idea for inference question
The answer to an inference question is never explicitly stated in the passage; it is implied
4.Taking the notes too far
One way to keep track of a long passage is by making thought flow chart; use symbols arrows to show relationships
5.Losing track of ‘who says what’
The passage may present multiple perspectives- of the author’s, someone else’s ( being quoted)..
6.Overlooking the question stem.
Some question stems are simple, yet others roundabout. ensure that you are clear what the question asks.
7.Undermining the need to build vocabulary
One third of the RC questions demand word knowledge…. Skepticism, laudatory, archaic, condescending…these all appear
8.Over reading
Skip, examples, specific details, long parenthetical statements….
9.‘ NOT SEEing crucial words- Only, except, not in the question stem
10. First reading- a slow ‘thorough’ reading
The first reading can be a faster skimming, for the main points of discussion.
More information email us at
or visit
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1.Reading only for the topic
Read for the author’s opinions running parallel to the topic as well
2.Concentrating on the specific details
Higher weightage questions demand overall intent, flow and tone of the passage.
3.Choosing a stated idea for inference question
The answer to an inference question is never explicitly stated in the passage; it is implied
4.Taking the notes too far
One way to keep track of a long passage is by making thought flow chart; use symbols arrows to show relationships
5.Losing track of ‘who says what’
The passage may present multiple perspectives- of the author’s, someone else’s ( being quoted)..
6.Overlooking the question stem.
Some question stems are simple, yet others roundabout. ensure that you are clear what the question asks.
7.Undermining the need to build vocabulary
One third of the RC questions demand word knowledge…. Skepticism, laudatory, archaic, condescending…these all appear
8.Over reading
Skip, examples, specific details, long parenthetical statements….
9.‘ NOT SEEing crucial words- Only, except, not in the question stem
10. First reading- a slow ‘thorough’ reading
The first reading can be a faster skimming, for the main points of discussion.
More information email us at
or visit
Friday, March 2, 2012
using GMAT official guide to study GMAT sentence correction
Is GMAT sentence correction an engima?
No its not..
If you have the official guide. You can improve your performance by 80%.
Watch this video to find out how...
No its not..
If you have the official guide. You can improve your performance by 80%.
Watch this video to find out how...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
10 must NOT DOs for GMAT math - Data sufficiency
10 must NOT DOs for GMAT math
the directions to Data sufficiency qns ( some tips below may require you to revisit these directions)This problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Using the data given in the statements plus your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts (such as the number of days in July or the meaning of counterclockwise), you must indicate whether:
A statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked;
B statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked;
C BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient;
D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked;
E statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.
Now here are some simple not dos
1.Assume that a given number is positive only. The numbers given can be zero, negative fractions or decimals.
i.e. sample
Main statement- is the modulus of X less than 3?
Sub statement 1- X(X+3) <0 Sub statement 2- X(X-3)>0
X can be zero, negative, fraction or decimal.
2. Assume that in a ‘Is...( refer main st in point 1 above ) question type, no is an invalid answer. ‘yes,’ can be a valid answer; no can be a valid answer. ‘sometimes yes and sometimes no’ are invalid.
3. Ignore minimum factors required( that can be gauged from the main st) to answer the qn, if either of the sub statements do not have the min factors, automatically the ans cannot be A or B.
Main st: Is X grater than Y?
Sub st 1. X is greater than Z
Sub st 2. Y is lower than Z
Here as per directions, the ans cannot be A or B.
4. Conclude based on the outcome, while substituting a number to arrive at the answer. Check the outcome while substituting varied numbers i.e. zero,+ve integer,-ve integer,+ve fraction and –ve fraction
5. Hurriedly Mark either A (or B) as the answer option when statement 1(or 2) yields an answer. Study statement 2(or 1)also . If this also leads to answer mark D, else mark A(or B)
6. Spent time deriving absolute values when approximation is sufficient in arriving at a decision.
7. Arriving at numerical values when the question requires only counting the occurrences.
8. Attempt a complex combinatronics problem by attempting to pick/select many objects at a time. pick/select one object at a time. This doesn’t change the final outcome.
9. Follow faulty logic.
i.e. A sample sum
Main statement- is the modulus of X less than 3?
Sub statement 1- X(X+3) <0 Sub statement 2- X(X-3)>0
Correct logic
Determine the range of numbers which satisfy the sub statements
Check whether these numbers satisfy the main statement.
Wrong logic
Determine the range of numbers which satisfy the main statement
Check whether these numbers satisfy the sub statements.
10. Ignoring additional information required to solve the problem
Sample problem
Main statement- A and B takes x and y days respectively to complete a work. How many days will A and B together take to complete it?
Sub statement 1 x=5
Sub statement 2 B alone takes twice as many days as A alone to complete the work
additional information on the efficiency of each person’s work per day is a factor needed. If A works at 50% efficiency, A will take 10 days to complete the work.
the directions to Data sufficiency qns ( some tips below may require you to revisit these directions)This problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Using the data given in the statements plus your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts (such as the number of days in July or the meaning of counterclockwise), you must indicate whether:
A statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked;
B statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked;
C BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient;
D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked;
E statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.
Now here are some simple not dos
1.Assume that a given number is positive only. The numbers given can be zero, negative fractions or decimals.
i.e. sample
Main statement- is the modulus of X less than 3?
Sub statement 1- X(X+3) <0 Sub statement 2- X(X-3)>0
X can be zero, negative, fraction or decimal.
2. Assume that in a ‘Is...( refer main st in point 1 above ) question type, no is an invalid answer. ‘yes,’ can be a valid answer; no can be a valid answer. ‘sometimes yes and sometimes no’ are invalid.
3. Ignore minimum factors required( that can be gauged from the main st) to answer the qn, if either of the sub statements do not have the min factors, automatically the ans cannot be A or B.
Main st: Is X grater than Y?
Sub st 1. X is greater than Z
Sub st 2. Y is lower than Z
Here as per directions, the ans cannot be A or B.
4. Conclude based on the outcome, while substituting a number to arrive at the answer. Check the outcome while substituting varied numbers i.e. zero,+ve integer,-ve integer,+ve fraction and –ve fraction
5. Hurriedly Mark either A (or B) as the answer option when statement 1(or 2) yields an answer. Study statement 2(or 1)also . If this also leads to answer mark D, else mark A(or B)
6. Spent time deriving absolute values when approximation is sufficient in arriving at a decision.
7. Arriving at numerical values when the question requires only counting the occurrences.
8. Attempt a complex combinatronics problem by attempting to pick/select many objects at a time. pick/select one object at a time. This doesn’t change the final outcome.
9. Follow faulty logic.
i.e. A sample sum
Main statement- is the modulus of X less than 3?
Sub statement 1- X(X+3) <0 Sub statement 2- X(X-3)>0
Correct logic
Determine the range of numbers which satisfy the sub statements
Check whether these numbers satisfy the main statement.
Wrong logic
Determine the range of numbers which satisfy the main statement
Check whether these numbers satisfy the sub statements.
10. Ignoring additional information required to solve the problem
Sample problem
Main statement- A and B takes x and y days respectively to complete a work. How many days will A and B together take to complete it?
Sub statement 1 x=5
Sub statement 2 B alone takes twice as many days as A alone to complete the work
additional information on the efficiency of each person’s work per day is a factor needed. If A works at 50% efficiency, A will take 10 days to complete the work.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The new GMAT tests decision making
The GRE changed in 2011 with an overhaul in content and structure, making the test more reasoning based. Close on its heels comes the GMAT (admission test to majority of global MBA programs) change with the addition of a new section, aptly called ‘integrated reasoning’.
This new section replaces one of the essays and comprises 12 questions to be answered by analysing, synthesising, integrating and evaluating given data. The data to be integrated appear as maps, spreadsheets, codes, numbers, charts, texts, audios and graphs. Both multiple choice and highlighting statements or dragging data points constitute the questions.
The new section thus tests the candidates ability to examine and manage complex, multiple format data and draw conclusions from them. The integrated reasoning section will thus generate a measure of a candidate’s decision making skills.
The new GMAT from June 2012
Duration Raw score Final score
Argument essay (1 topic)
1 prompt
30 min
Grade 0-6
Quant ability
37 qns
75 min
0-60 raw score
Verbal ability
41 qns
75 min
0-60 raw score
Integrated reasoning*
12 qns
30 min
To be announced in April 2012
*new addition
What doesn’t change?
The content, format and scoring of the verbal and quantitative sections remain unchanged; the argument essay also remains the same. The issue is replaced by the new section.
GMAT , in the present version itself is projected as a test that examines a range of skills that are prerequisites to participate in and benefit from a rigorous MBA curriculum. It already has a strong emphasis on reasoning. With the addition of the new integrated reasoning section, the test advances to another level of competence.
Test of decision making skills
The integrated reasoning section gives students an opportunity to demonstrate decision making skills- analysing, synthesising and evaluating data in different forms- numbers, flow charts and words to draw logical conclusions. In today's data-intense business space, effective decisions are taken by drawing intelligence and insights from various sources and information of various forms.
The introduction of such competency assessment in the business school intake stage presents a reasoned prognosis of one’s candidature to the world of competitive global business.
How to prepare
The verbal and quantitative sections are not changing in content patterns and scoring, thus test aspirants can continue to prepare for these as before. One has to familiarise oneself with the new section by practising on such problem sets as well as by reading graphs, maps and accompanying texts in business publications.
Since a good number of business schools take GRE score, instead of a GMAT score, applicants can research on colleges and find out which test to take. Some students may be more comfortable with the GRE test.
Test aspirants starting preparation post-March 2012 may have to take the new GMAT administered form June 2012. Good preparation will be the key to success.
Article contributed by
She can be contacted by email
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This new section replaces one of the essays and comprises 12 questions to be answered by analysing, synthesising, integrating and evaluating given data. The data to be integrated appear as maps, spreadsheets, codes, numbers, charts, texts, audios and graphs. Both multiple choice and highlighting statements or dragging data points constitute the questions.
The new section thus tests the candidates ability to examine and manage complex, multiple format data and draw conclusions from them. The integrated reasoning section will thus generate a measure of a candidate’s decision making skills.
The new GMAT from June 2012
Duration Raw score Final score
Argument essay (1 topic)
1 prompt
30 min
Grade 0-6
Quant ability
37 qns
75 min
0-60 raw score
Verbal ability
41 qns
75 min
0-60 raw score
Integrated reasoning*
12 qns
30 min
To be announced in April 2012
*new addition
What doesn’t change?
The content, format and scoring of the verbal and quantitative sections remain unchanged; the argument essay also remains the same. The issue is replaced by the new section.
GMAT , in the present version itself is projected as a test that examines a range of skills that are prerequisites to participate in and benefit from a rigorous MBA curriculum. It already has a strong emphasis on reasoning. With the addition of the new integrated reasoning section, the test advances to another level of competence.
Test of decision making skills
The integrated reasoning section gives students an opportunity to demonstrate decision making skills- analysing, synthesising and evaluating data in different forms- numbers, flow charts and words to draw logical conclusions. In today's data-intense business space, effective decisions are taken by drawing intelligence and insights from various sources and information of various forms.
The introduction of such competency assessment in the business school intake stage presents a reasoned prognosis of one’s candidature to the world of competitive global business.
How to prepare
The verbal and quantitative sections are not changing in content patterns and scoring, thus test aspirants can continue to prepare for these as before. One has to familiarise oneself with the new section by practising on such problem sets as well as by reading graphs, maps and accompanying texts in business publications.
Since a good number of business schools take GRE score, instead of a GMAT score, applicants can research on colleges and find out which test to take. Some students may be more comfortable with the GRE test.
Test aspirants starting preparation post-March 2012 may have to take the new GMAT administered form June 2012. Good preparation will be the key to success.
Article contributed by
She can be contacted by email
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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