Showing posts with label GMAT notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMAT notes. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

10 must NOT DOs for GMAT math - Data sufficiency

10 must NOT DOs for GMAT math
the directions to Data sufficiency qns ( some tips below may require you to revisit these directions)This problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Using the data given in the statements plus your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts (such as the number of days in July or the meaning of counterclockwise), you must indicate whether:

A statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked;
B statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked;
C BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient;
D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked;
E statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.

Now here are some simple not dos
1.Assume that a given number is positive only. The numbers given can be zero, negative fractions or decimals.
i.e. sample
Main statement- is the modulus of X less than 3?
Sub statement 1- X(X+3) <0 Sub statement 2- X(X-3)>0
X can be zero, negative, fraction or decimal.

2. Assume that in a ‘Is...( refer main st in point 1 above ) question type, no is an invalid answer. ‘yes,’ can be a valid answer; no can be a valid answer. ‘sometimes yes and sometimes no’ are invalid.

3. Ignore minimum factors required( that can be gauged from the main st) to answer the qn, if either of the sub statements do not have the min factors, automatically the ans cannot be A or B.
Main st: Is X grater than Y?
Sub st 1. X is greater than Z
Sub st 2. Y is lower than Z
Here as per directions, the ans cannot be A or B.

4. Conclude based on the outcome, while substituting a number to arrive at the answer. Check the outcome while substituting varied numbers i.e. zero,+ve integer,-ve integer,+ve fraction and –ve fraction

5. Hurriedly Mark either A (or B) as the answer option when statement 1(or 2) yields an answer. Study statement 2(or 1)also . If this also leads to answer mark D, else mark A(or B)

6. Spent time deriving absolute values when approximation is sufficient in arriving at a decision.

7. Arriving at numerical values when the question requires only counting the occurrences.

8. Attempt a complex combinatronics problem by attempting to pick/select many objects at a time. pick/select one object at a time. This doesn’t change the final outcome.

9. Follow faulty logic.
i.e. A sample sum
Main statement- is the modulus of X less than 3?
Sub statement 1- X(X+3) <0 Sub statement 2- X(X-3)>0

Correct logic
Determine the range of numbers which satisfy the sub statements
Check whether these numbers satisfy the main statement.

Wrong logic
Determine the range of numbers which satisfy the main statement
Check whether these numbers satisfy the sub statements.

10. Ignoring additional information required to solve the problem
Sample problem
Main statement- A and B takes x and y days respectively to complete a work. How many days will A and B together take to complete it?
Sub statement 1 x=5
Sub statement 2 B alone takes twice as many days as A alone to complete the work

additional information on the efficiency of each person’s work per day is a factor needed. If A works at 50% efficiency, A will take 10 days to complete the work.

Friday, July 9, 2010

GMAT prep notes for sentence correction

the more the merrier

1. Relative clauses: clauses beginning with who, whose, whom, that, which, whosoever, whomever, whichever, nevertheless – check their use in the question.
Antecedents (the nouns substituted by the pronouns) which, who, he, they, it etc should be clearly matched with their pronouns.
Scientists have observed large quantities of fossil fuel in the Cauvery basin, which are consistent with the growth of mining activities in the area. (which is ambiguously placed)
Scientists have observed large quantities of fossil fuel in the Cauvery basin, an observation consistent with the growth of mining activities in the area.

Wordy: Everybody likes apple pie, which for years has been a favorite American dessert.

Concise: Everybody likes apple pie, for years a favorite American dessert.
In most instances, a relative pronoun is unwanted.

Verb Tense
In the last ten years, dropout rate among minority primary school students fell drastically, while the number of minority students more than doubled.
Correct: In the last ten years, dropout rate among minority primary school students has fallen drastically, while the number of minority students has more than doubled.

Logical Equivalents
1. The study noted that, up to the present, interferon has been more impressive in preventing viral infections as to treat it.
2. The study noted that, up to the present, interferon has been more impressive in preventing viral infections than in treating them.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

GMAT: a note for the beginners

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized,three-part exam designed to help admissions officers evaluate how suitable individual applicants are for their graduate business and management programs.It measures verbal,mathematical,and writing skills the outcome of 16 years of education and experience.
Since graduates from all subjects of undergraduate study and from all work backgrounds are eligible for business education at graduate level, the GMAT exam will assess your general aptitude in language, reasoning and numerical skills giving admissions officers a statistically reliable measure of how well you are likely to perform academically in the core curriculum of a graduate business program.This is not to deny that there are many other qualifications that can help people succeed in business education and careers- such as work experience,leadership ability, motivation,and interpersonal skills.Since the GMAT does not gauge these qualities, other criteria are also considered for admission- performance in undergad study, essays,and letters of recommendation.
GMAT scores are one criterion for admission to close to 2000 graduate business and management studies across the US, Canada, Europe, Dubai, Singapore, India, Australia, Newzealand. Because the GMAT test gauges skills that are important to successful study of business and management at the graduate level,your scores will give you a good indication of how well prepared you are to succeed academically in a graduate management program;how well you do on the test may also help you choose the business schools to which you apply.Furthermore, the percentile table you receive with your scores will tell you how your performance on the test compares to the performance of other test takers, giving you one way to gauge your competition for admission to business schoo1. Use the college websites, journals and other publication to gather intake criteria relevant to the school you apply to.
GMAT structure
The GMAT exam consists of four separately timed sections.You start the test with two 30-minute Analytical Writing Assessment(AWA)questions that require you to type your responses using the computer keyboard.The writing section is followed by two 75-minute,multiple-choice sections:the Quantitative and Verbal sections of the test.
The GMAT CAT, in the multiple-choice format, constantly gauges how well you are doing on the test and presents you with questions that are appropriate to your ability level.These questions are drawn from a huge pool of possible test questions.So each test taker is presented with different test editions.( the skills tested remain the same, the total number of questions in each section remains the same, the time allotted remain the same, the are of questions remain the same.) As you respond to the questions presented, the computer will narrow your score to the number that best characterizes your ability. When you compute each section,the computer will have an accurate assessment of your ability.
Because each question is presented on the basis of your answers to all previous questions,you must answer each question as it appears. Random guessing can significantly lower your scores.If you do not know the answer to a question,you should try to eliminate as many choices as possible,then select the answer you think is best. If you answer a question incorrectly by mistake-or correctly by lucky guess-your answers to subsequent questions will lead you back to questions that are at the appropriate level of difficulty for you.
Some interesting facts
• Only one question is presented at a time.
- The answer choices for the multiple-choice questions are not lettered or numbered but circled.
• Different question types appear in random order in the multiple-choice sections.
• You must click on the confirm button for the next questions to be presented.
• • You cannot go back and change answers; you cant skip a question
GMAT test content
The test provides one method of measuring overall ability.
The GMAT Quantitative section measures your ability to reason quantitatively, solve quantitative problems,and interpret graphic data.
Two types of multiple-Choice questions are Quantitative section:
• Problem solving
• Data sufficiency
Problem solving and data sufficiency questions are intermingled throughout the Quantitative section. Both types of questions require basic knowledge of:
• Arithmetic
• Elementary algebra
• concepts of geometry

The Verbal Section
The GMAT verbal section measures your ability to read and comprehend written material,to reason and evaluate arguments,and to correct written material to conform to standard written English. Because the verbal section includes reading sections from several different content areas, you may be generally familiar with some of the material; however, neither the reading passages nor the questions assume detailed knowledge of the topics discussed.

Three types of multiple-choice questions are used in the verbal section:
• Reading comprehension
• Critical reasoning
• Sentence correction
These question types are intermingled throughout the Verbal section.
How is the scoring done?
Your GMAT scores are determined by:
• the number of questions you answered
• whether you answered correctly or incorrectly
• the level of difficulty and statistical weightage of each question answered.
Analytical Writing Assessment Scores
The Analytical Writing Assessment consists of two writing tasks:Analysis of an Issue and
Analysis of an Argument.The responses to each of these tasks are scored on a 6-pomt scale, with
6 being the highest score and 1, the lowest.
Prepare, extraprepare
Be thorough with
Arithmetic, algebra, geometry concepts
Rules of sentence construction
Basics of formal logic
Read extensively, to build comprehension skills and language competence. Study a lot of sentences and observe structure, word order, idiom use, clarity, effectiveness and word use.
Take tests – paper based/ computer based
In the initial stages of preparation, you may work with paper based material – for concept building, and for solving multiple choice questions.
It is advisable to read a lot of passages on the computer screen.
Taking model tests
Practice on full exams- ie, AWA, math, Verbal all included, at least 5 tests
See how you manage your time; use your time wisely.Being too slow or overly fast in the beginning can affect your overall performance.

Accuracy is more important than speed
Once you start the test, an onscreen clock will continuously count the time you have 1eft.
Answer practice questions ahead of time.
Read all test directions carefully: and read each question closely. A few errors occur because of your ignoring the requirement of the question.
The directions explain exactly what is required to answer each question type.
Do not spend too much time on any one question.
If you do not know the correct answer, or if the Question is too time-consuming, try to eliminate choices you know are wrong, select the best of the remaining answer choices, and move on to the next question. Try not to worry about the impact on your score –guessing may lower your score, but not finishing the section will lower your score more.
Make preliminary notes before you begin to write your essay
Take care to organize your ideas and develop them fully; your response should be relevant, clear, logically organized, formal, complete.
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