Monday, June 29, 2020

GMAT sentence correction question - multiple errors in a sentence

Can you spot the different #GMAT sentence correction errors...

In 1974 a large area of the surface of Mercury was photographed from varying distances, which revealed a degree of cratering similar to that of the Moon’s.

(A) which revealed a degree of cratering similar to that of the Moon’s
(B) to reveal a degree of cratering similar to the Moon
(C) revealing a degree of cratering similar to that of the Moon
(D) and revealed cratering similar in degree to the Moon
(E) that revealed cratering similar in degree to that of the Moon

The intended meaning of the sentence is as follows
a large area was photographed and analysed. From that analysis the degree of catering of mercury was compared to that of the moon.

Elements that can be identified
1. Usage of a pronoun which
2. comparison..- degree of catering of mercury vs degree of catering of moon.
3. 2 clauses - A comma after distances.

Option A
Which is a pronoun . Its antecedent is Distance. Did  distance  reveal anything.. No.. Option A is ruled out.

Option B
Degree of catering of mercury is compared to moon.. That comparison is absurd. The correct comparison is Degree of catering of mercury and degree of catering of moon. Option B has an error

Option C
Revealing is a participle. The participle phrase - Revealing.... is predicated of the main subject - large area of surface. The large area  was revealing information via a photograph. The sentence structure is precise and unambiguous.  The comparison is appropriate. "That of" indicates a feature of moo. The comparison here is between feature of mercury(Degree of cratering) and feature of moon.

Option C is correct.

Option D
And indicates. that large area revealed two features.  From the intended meaning, only one feature, degree of cratering, is mentioned. Also a comparison error. ( same as option B)  Hence Option D has a multiple errors.

Option E
Which noun does "that" refers to?  Large area or photograph ?? It is not clear.  Option E is elliminated

Hence option C is the correct answer.

Hope you noticed all the errors.

If you would like to attend 20hr verbal foundation course for me.. 

Check my linkedin profile:
Join my facebook online learning community:
Visit my website to know about my classes:

Saturday, June 27, 2020

GMAT math Thinking skills - 1

There are two ways to solve this problem

Approach 1 - 

This approach would require you to assume variables,write equations and solve them.

Yes!  this approach take some time

Those of you who are new to math, would, most likely, attempt a question using this approach

First :
Convert the ratio into number by introducing a constant x
The speed of the 3 runners will be 3x,4x and 5x.

Assume the distance traveled by each runner is 60 units ( 60 is the LCM of 3,4,5. You can take any number.. I took the LCM to avoid decimals.)

Speed = distance/time. Hence   Time = distance/speed

Time will be 60/3x,60/4x,60/5x. respectively = 20/x,15/x,12/x

Remove (1/x) and then you can write the numbers in a ratio: 20:15:12

Approach 2:

If you solve a mathematical question using this approach, it means you are comfortable 
  • determining the nature of numbers,
  • identifying  relationships between variables 
  • substituting values to arrive at an answer fast

This approach would take less time than approach 1.

Now lets solve this question using this approach

You would have observed the following in the question
  • ratio of the speeds are given
  • distant is constant

The relationship between  speed and time is : Speed is inversely proportional to time. 

Hence if speed increases time decreases and vice versa. 

The speeds are in the ratio 3:4:5. 
Hence the times should be in the ratio: 1/3 :1/4: 1/5 as speed is inversely proportional to time. 

Multiplying with LCM (4,3,5) i.e. 60 normalize the ratio

We get 20: 15:12

The answer is 20:15:12


Always observe the hidden relationship between numbers

Watch this tutorial video and understand mathematical reasoning skills..
You can excel in math once you learn these skills.

Hope you understood both the methods.   

Need math help: Get in touch with me:
My facebook learning group:
Want to explore math reasoning skills further try another problem

Solution here

Thursday, June 25, 2020

8 ways to score poorly in the GMAT

Here are the top 8 ways to score poorly in the GMAT.

1. I know math,

 so no need to go through the same old arithmetic, algebra, geometry stuff. 

It is possible to get Q51 in the math section, provided you are thorough with the math concepts and you have the essential problem solving skills, which can help you crack a question in less than 30 seconds. 

2. I have tones of free downloads 

..what is relevant, what is not, even God may not know..

The cost of finding,collating and structuring free content is high.  What works for you? what doesn't work for you? Do you want to do a trial and error approach to see which plan works? 

3 . Just official guide (OG), 

what else, nothing official about it…

First build concepts, then apply the concepts on OG questions. You need to use OG at the last stage of your preparation.

4. I will join for the costliest, longest duration course in town…

let them get me the score, no need to  study at  home..

There is a popular saying : "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." 

You need to work with the GMAT tutor in tandem. Then you can maximize your score in the shortest possible time

5. I won't do the essays while practicing,

Only math and verbal mock exams will do....

Work on all the sections of the exam. The skills in the various sections ( Integrated reasoning,math,verbal. and essays) are inter-related.

6. I speak and write good English, 

so verbal is going to be a cake walk, no less

I hear this often. Only when you go deep into verbal section. You will understand the nuances. Fortunately you can get 100% accuracy in the verbal section.

7.  I need just one month for preparation,

......... after all I had high grades in college.

High grades in college doesn't guarantee you a 700+ in the GMAT. Follow the customized study plan given by the tutor. Only when you achieve the learning objective at the concepts stage, take mock tests. Only when you reach your target score in the 3 or more tests.. book for the exam.

8. Do as many tests as possible,

 in fact 90 percent of my preparation time should be spent on tests. concepts? What concepts?

Fundamentals first... ..always

Also  some notable mentions

9. My friend said GMAT was easy for him, no tough questions 

hey, what was your friend’s score?

Each test aspirant is different,  What works for your friend, may not work for you.. Get a customized study plan

10. The luck factor

Out of five tests you did, one test you scored above 650. So you will give the test as planned.  you believe in luck!

I wish life was as simple as that....

A little bit about me.

I am George, a GMAT tutor, since 2008. I coach students online as well as offline at my center. You can

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

GMAT math foundation course

If you are finding it difficult to study math,  Don't worry.

GMAT tests you on mathematical reasoning, not mathematical ability..  

Reasoning is an important skill, which you must develop..

1. 30 hrs online live classes
2. Ideal for students with a non-math background
3. Nominal fee... fee will be reduced if more join the batch. (Batch size max 10)

Objectives of the course:
1. Revision of basic math concepts
  • numbers
  • Algebra
  • percentages
  • ratios
  • Time and work
  • Geometry basics
  • Discrete probability
  • statistics
  • Mixtures
  • sets
2. Increase speed using math-accelerator series

I have worked with lots of students who have lost touch with math... so I will go slow and make sure that you understand the concepts.

Feel free to schedule a math counselling session. You can reach me - George - GMAT math tutor
Check my linkedin profile:

or call me @ 9884123808

Can I prepare for GMAT on my own? The Top 3 pros and cons

Remember :

The cost of finding, collating and bringing structure to free content is high.

Preparing for GMAT on your own has its pros and cons

Before I get into the pros vs cons

You need to
  • spend considerable time collecting material/tests
  • develop a structured study plan (based on your current math/verbal quotient)
  • join different forums and seek help from unknown people
Here are 3 positives

You can
  1. set the pace and tempo of your training
  2. save tutoring/mentoring costs
  3. get inputs from varied sources (Hopefully those varied inputs give you clarity, if not you will be totally confused)

·      You might find hard to
  1. Collate and bring structure to the training
  2. Find a mentor
    1. to guide you if your weak in your concepts
    2. to show you the path when you reach a preparation plateau
  3. motivate yourself during the tough parts of your prep
  4. make a progressive plan (Starting with easy concepts/questions and gradually moving to harder concepts/questions.

The next decision point would be:
Do I choose  
  • Option A: Online generic courses
  • Option B: Customized coaching with a live tutor
Feel free to connect, we can come to a conclusion based on your study habits

A little bit about me.
I am George, a GMAT tutor, since 2008. I coach students online as well as offline at my center in Chennai, India. You can

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Is this the right time to take the MBA plunge? If yes where do I do it?

Two questions must have crossed your mind this year..
  • Is this the right time to quit my job and go for an MBA?
  • If yes, which Business school is the best one for me?

If you ask me, "Is this the right time for an MBA?". I would say an emphatic YES!!!

I feel this is the right time, because
1. MBA colleges are wooing students with sops - fee waivers/scholarships...
2. Employees need to up-skill to survive in a highly competitive world
3. Employment opportunities across all sectors have reduced
4. As per a survey (May 2020) companies are preferring generalist over specialists 
5. Entrepreneurship is ‘in’ thing now

To get into a good college. You need a good GMAT score and a profile showcasing your managerial and leadership capabilities.

The average GMAT score to get into a top B-school is 680. 

If you have a good profile you can get into a top college with a low GMAT score. Some student have got into a good college with a 640 in the GMAT.

If you profile is average, you need to improve your candidature by getting a high GMAT score. 720+ is a good score.

Feel free to contact me, we can have a chat and zero-in on the college which matches your profile. 

As per a recent survey by here are the top 50 colleges.

However, students look at a ROI. i.e Tuition fee vs Placements.
Lesser tuition fee .. Higher salary package

Keeping this in mind, these college offer value for money MBA courses.

A little bit about me.
I am George, a GMAT tutor, since 2008. I coach students online as well as offline at my center in Chennai, India. You can

I have done MBA from IIM (one of the top 5 B-schools in India)

If you want to have a discussion and talk about your MBA plans..feel free to contact me..

Saturday, June 20, 2020

GMAT study plan - 3 phases

Duration: Your preparation can last for 5 months or 3 months or 1 month. Ideally you can be GMAT ready in 1.5 - 2 months . Lets have a chat to see if you can be ready in less time. My contact link is below

The Plan

I feel GMAT preparation can be broken into 3 phases.

  • Phase 1- concepts
  • Phase 2 - application
  • Phase 3- mastery.

I will go into each phase after explaining the thinking behind the plan

The thinking
As a tutor, I primarily focus on efficiency.
Maximum performance in shortest possible time
I would recommend a preparation time of 1.5 - 2 months. A structured study plan, designed keeping your strengths and weakness in mind, is paramount. This study plan will make or break your preparation.

If you need help in making a study plan, feel free to contact me. You can see my bio below.

A little bit about me.
I am George, a GMAT tutor, since 2008. I coach students online as well as offline at my center in Chennai, India. You can
Now lets focus on the plan
This plan requires
1. GMAT Study material - study books /learning videos
2. GMAT Practice tests- Progressive test series -Test difficulty level increases systematically.
3. GMAT Computer adaptive tests

Phase 1: Concepts
Learning objective: Build concepts. Don’t worry on speed. Focus on accuracy
Here are few Activities in phase 1

Visit and understand the GMAT test structure, Take the Diagnostic test. See your comfort level. If you feel you are ready to dive into preparation get into prep mode or else ... get a tutor

Use your prep material to
  • Work on your math computation skills. Learn basic mathematical computation like multiplication squares/cubes/square roots. I recommend vedic math. Watch this tutorial to compute faster

  • Collect all the math formula relevant to the exam
  • Identify and collect all the grammar rules . This learning video can show you the first step in sentence correction preparation

  • Identify the different question types in the Critical reasoning section. Make a list of them. Collect a strategy for each question type. This learning video can guide you..
  • Collect idioms and study them – you need to study idioms with their usage. Watch this learning tutorial

Develop the skill of critical reading. GMAT reading comprehension passages tests your ability to infer information from the passage. Watch this learning tutorial

Points to note
  • Practice easy to medium level questions to build confidence.
  • Work on GMAT type passages always.
  • Improve your basic vocabulary
Check your progress at the end of this stage
  • your accuracy level should be 50% in each section
  • You should have completed atleast 50 GMAT reading comprehension passages
Phase 2: Application

Learning objective:
Build speed. You need to solve a question in less than 2 minutes. Focus on speed
Here are few Activities in phase 2,
  • Do section tests topic wise
  • Write 10+ GMAT analytical writing essays. Get them evaluated by a subject matter expert
  • Focus on higher order thinking skills in math and verbal. For example Check this tutorial on probability, permutation combination

Check your progress
  • your accuracy level should be 75% in each section
  • You should have completed atleast 100 GMAT reading comprehension passages

Phase 3: Mastery
Learning objective: Test yourself and track your progress.
  • Practice GMAT Official guide questions x 3 times
  • Take 10+ mock computer adaptive tests
  • Revise your error logs…. many times
  • Complete 150 GMAT reading comprehension passage
If you reach your target score in 5 tests or more then go ahead an book your test slot.
Continue practicing till day of exam
I hope that you got the flow. Feel free to contact me if you have further doubts. Happy learning. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

10 things to keep in mind when you practice GMAT reading comprehension

1. Keep your fears away

One fear most test takers feel is ‘ what if the passages are totally unfamiliar’. This is highly unlikely if you have spent a good amount of time reading quality passages and have taken good number of comprehension tests.

2. Imagine yourself succeeding

Be optimistic about your preparation and success in the GMAT. Start your preparation early so that you do not take the test till you are ready.

3. For god’s sake do not procrastinate

The day you wake up to think, oh I have plenty of time left for prep, you are on the road to procrastination. You have semester work, events to participate in, personal issues; none of these should come in the way of your reaching your goal.

4. All strategies need not work for you

We all vary in our styles of learning. Some of us would require longer preparation time, others less. It’s more rewarding to compare our performance today with our own past performance than with that of others.

5.Do not expect overnight results

Efficient reading involves building an array of skills. It takes time. Perseverance is the key. Lot of hard work is required to excel, give up not.

6. Do research

Learn those tiny tips from friends who are preparing for verbal tests, what worked for them, what did not, they are invaluable sources of test info.


with your learning your own reflections and insights can throw up new ideas that work best for you.

8.Do not panic; 

instead make a panic plan. Put together a remedial plan with the help of a mentor- a senior or trainer; there is always a way out.

9.Invest intelligently

 in buying good reading material: books, CDs, general reading material. And invest time wisely.

10. Selfishness is a virtue

 If Ayn Rand did feel that way, so can you. Do not spare your reading time playing agony aunt/uncle for those hapless souls; nevertheless when you need reassurance ask and get!!

What are the pain points you face while preparing for GMAT

What are the pain points you face while preparing for #GMAT.
I have been tutoring students for 10 years. since 2010. I have handled many, different, cases . One thing I realized is that each of you need a customized solution.. One size doesn't fit all... Lets work on a solution which maximizes your performance in the shortest possible time... Lets chat Call or whatsapp me 9884123808... Catch me on linkedin..

Thursday, June 11, 2020

GMAT math probability webinar

I would like to invite you to the GMAT master class (webinar), this weekend(Saturday (6 pm)and Sunday (6pm)).
Topic: introduction to probability.
These classes will benefit you, if you have a non-math background . If you would like to attend, Send me a message.. I will send you the zoom link.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

GMAT math permutation and combination basics

I made this permutation/combination basics video sometime back. If you are starting your #GMAT preparation, this tutorial will guide and show you the right way of "thinking" which is required to understand this chapter. This chapter in math is pretty hard to understand otherwise. So revisit the concept many,many times. Feel free to ping me if you have any queries or if you need tutoring ..

To register for the next webinar, fill this form:

Join our Facebook community: click here

To speak to a math tutor, get in touch with us.
Semantics offers On-demand live GMAT classes.  Fill this google form, 
our counselor will get in touch with you.


Monday, June 8, 2020

GMAT study plan

If you have the following questions:

  • Do i take the GMAT at home or at a test center?
  • What is the best time to start and how to start prep?
  • How do I make a study plan for myself?
If these question plague you.. Comment below or message me... lets have a discussion. #GMAT #MBA

Friday, May 1, 2020

GMAT sentence correction exercise

Do you want to ace the sentence correction section of the GMAT? 

Here is a good workout. Analyse the given passage. mark the following:

1. Subject and corresponding verb
2. Noun and its modifier
3. Noun and pronoun
4. Adjective and the noun its modifying
5.clauses- dependent/ relative
6. standard sentence structure

What else can you observe.

Famines that once plagued South Asia are now vanishingly rare, the population less susceptible to disease and starvation. But that progress may be reversed, experts worry, and funding for anti-poverty programmes may be cut as government struggle with stagnant growth rates or economic contractions as the world heads for recession.

  Source- The Hindu paper

Saturday, April 25, 2020

4 ways to deal with anxiety while studying for GMAT

Anxiety is a problem that attacks the body but anxiety germinates in the head.

Anxiety comes from telling ourselves a bad story.

You are bad at math/english.
You can't learn so fast
You are too old...

Change the story.. change your life

4 ways to change the story

1. Think positives
marginalize the negatives.. Amplify the success stories.

2. Be unbiased
Dont jump into conclusions. Be neutral. observe your feelings and let them pass.

3. Live in the present
Dont become a fortune teller and try predicting the future.  take one step at a time.

4.Avoid being the victim
People overgenarlize where one negative event is a never-ending pattern of defeat.
This results in a distortedly darkened vision of life. Remove the blinkers and see life in totality.

Work on any of the above at a time
take control of your life.