1.ARRANGMENT N terms can be arranged in N! ways, if each position can be occupied by one term. N terms can be arranged in NM ways if each position can be occupied by 1 term or 2 terms or …… N terms. M stands for the number of positions to be filled.
2.COMBINATION M terms can be selected from P terms in [ (P)combination(m) ] ways.
3.In certain situations it is required to first choose the terms and then arrange the terms. i.e. PERMUTATION. Permutation = combination x arrangement.
4.When N objects are distributed among P positions such that each position can get any number of objects (zero, one, two ……N) then the number of ways of arranging the items is [ (N+P-1) combination (P-1) ]
5.When N objects are distributed among P positions such that each position can get atleast one objet (one, two ……N) then the number of ways of arranging the items is [ (N-1) combination (P+1) ]