Correct answer is D
search for clue words in the question statement:
And - is it parallelism ???
Fewer- Is cavities countable or non countable???
From X to Y - idiom...
Lets analyze
From X to Y is there in all options.
Cavities is countable so we have to use fewer not less. Hence Option B is ruled out
Now lets check parallelism
In option A: Adults getting fewer cavities and becoming more...
"adults are getting" is preferred over "adults getting"...
Option A is ruled out
In option C: Adults who are both getting fewer cavities and becoming
"adults who are" is wordy..
adults are getting is precise
Option C is ruled out
In option D: adults are getting fewer and are also becoming..
"Adults are getting and adults are also becoming..."
Sentence structure is perfect.
In option E: adults getting fewer cavities and becomes....
Getting and becomes not parallel
Hence option D is answer
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