1. Just 80hrs of structured preparation
2. Master grammar and math concepts
3. Reinforce the 25 sentence correction concepts
4. internalize the tactics for critical reasoning question types.
5. Maximise practice on data sufficiency questions
6. Apply all concepts learnt in original GMAC questions
7. Read extensively-philosophy, art and literature reviews,socio-history,science journals
8. Write atleast 15 essays. Have them reviewed by a GMAT test expert. Make preliminary notes for
each of the pre-disclosed essay prompts.
9. Plan remedial learning for weak areas.
10.With every computer based tests, take the essays(do not get habituated to math and
verbal alone), the verbal section must be attempted 2+hr after math and essay writing.
11.Repeatedly practice official guide.
12.If you are not a systematic self-learner, take up quality training from an experience GMAT
Write to us if you want to add value to your GMAT prep- urmentor@semanticslearing.com