Vivek is in no strange situation. His fears are shared by many professional in various sectors.
Vivek has not spent much time on reading up trends in continuous education; he was busy with serving customers and meeting targets.
On a Sunday afternoon Vivek walks in for a meeting with me. We spent an hour and a half weighing down the options in front of him.
Why not take a break?
He can take a break. And probably go back to the banking/financial services itself.
CAT or XAT and PGDM?
Vivek reveals that he had a tryst with CAT when he was in final year college and found the CAT math difficult to digest. But then I tell him it takes a lot of concerted efforts to crack the CAT and get into the IIMs or other top colleges. He should be willing to take on the completion; there is no short cut to success.
Why not? Prepare well while still working. manage your tie well. After all the rewards would be greater.
As a back up plan I suggested Vivek that he take up the GMAT and try entry into a PGPX – 1 yr MBA for executives form the IIMs, MDI, IMT gaziabad etc. this again depends on the minimum work ex the institute is looking at.
PG certificate program in Management
I asked Vivek to work around the certificate program in management from the IIMs- he can continue working and doing a business course ( with 1 week orientation program on the Campus and the remaining course attended from your city through broadband based classes handled by IIMs from the respective classes.