Monday, September 30, 2024

GMAT reading comprehension tips - 4 types of reading

There are many ways to read an article. 

 When we read a novel, we read it one way. a textbook another way

When we read an important document - company offer letter or a sale deed, we read it differently. 

While reading this book - " How To Read A Book by Mortimer Adler", I noticed that we can use the analytical reading style for GMAT reading comprehension.

Excerpts from the book

1. Elementary Reading

This is the most basic level of reading, where the reader simply reads the words on the page without much thought or analysis.

It's the kind of reading you do when you're reading a novel for entertainment, or when you re reading a text message from a friend.

2. Inspectional Reading

At this level, the reader is skimming the text to get a general idea of what it's about. This might involve reading the table of contents, the introduction, or the first and last paragraphs of a chapter.

The goal is to get a sense of the main points and the structure of the text.

3. Analytical Reading

This level of reading involves a deeper analysis of the text. The reader is looking for the author's main argument, the evidence they use to support it, and the logical structure of their argument.

This might involve taking notes, underlining key passages, or writing summaries of each section.

4. Syntopical Reading

This is the highest level of reading, where the reader is comparing and contrasting the ideas in multiple texts on the same topic.

The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the subject by seeing how different authors approach it. This might involve creating a chart or a diagram to show the relationships between the different texts.

The analytical reading style can be taught. 

You need to sit through 10-20 hrs of reading sessions to get the grasp of it. 

If you need help in GMAT verbal preparation, Feel free to ping me..

My contact link is here:

Happy learning

Friday, September 27, 2024

Indian School of Business (ISB) introduces a 20 month program

 Indian School of Business (ISB) introduces a 20 month program

 Ideal for - recent graduates or individuals with up to 2 years of work ex

Program commences on July 2025

 Taget GMAT score 635+(GMAT focus edition)

 Deadline Round 2- 10- DEC- 2024

 Admission requirement - GMAT , GRE or IIM(CAT)

 Admission process will also include  personal interview + application essay

 Scholarships options at ISB

 1. Merit-Based Scholarships:Awarded to candidates with exceptional interview scores, with scholarships covering up to 100% of the tuition fees.

 2. Need-cum-Merit Scholarships- For candidates demonstrating both strong merit and financial need.

 3. ISB Develop India Scholarship- For students dedicated to contributing to India's growth, supporting graduates in pursuing impactful careers.  

 How to ace the GMAT in 2 months

Lets take each section of the exam


Reading comprehension

GMAT passages are mostly abstract, drawn from varied sources- sciences, history, art, philosophy, literary criticism. The questions require you to read critically. We teach you critical reading dynamics. That is

  • Drawing inferences from the passage
  • Distinguishing between topic and the emotional content of a passage
  • Recognizing the tone of a passage, attitude of the author
  • Identifying the organisation and structure of the passage

Extensive passage analysis and discussion will empower you to read GMAT passages critically. Follow up reading practice ensures that you practice all types of passages and questions that appear in the exam.

Our action plan: Read 150 passages.

Students are given a curated compilation of passages.  First easy passages, then medium, then difficult..

Critical reasoning (CR)

Let’s face it. Few college books teach you to think critically. Hence, essential skills of reasoning have to be mastered now for GMAT CR success. This is precisely why our course is designed with an introductory module on basics of logic theory carefully illustrated with arguments as they appear in GMAT. Elements of logic theory comprise inductive and deductive arguments, methods of argument analysis and evaluation, common logical fallacies.

 In our interactives we’ll teach you, step by step, how to analyze issues, reason logically, and argue effectively. Our approaches to the 15 different types of CR questions - the first ever exhaustive listing - will ready you for the real test. The specific skills you acquire are:

  • breaking down argument into its parts, to see what conclusion is drawn and how it is supported
  • recognizing the line of reasoning employed in an argument
  • checking logical validity of claims
  • offering counter arguments using relevant hypothetical data
  • supplying additional information
  • drawing inference from the argument
  • identifying logically similar arguments
  • defining relationship between arguments
  • evaluating a given argument for consistency 


Our action plan: We will teach you the 15 question types and the algorithm for each type.


You will be put through drills (500+ cr questions)



Problem solving and Data Sufficiency

The questions you get in the quantitative section of the GMAT, are drawn from arithmetic, algebra, geometry and statistics. We teach you math in 3 stages.

  • Stage 1 of your preparation will involve thorough review of elementary math concepts
  • Stage 2 involves application of concepts to problems in quantitative setting
  • Stage 3 involves quantitative reasoning – strategies for data sufficiency, short cuts approaches to problem solving such as
    • problem conversion and simplification
    • working with answer option
    • verifying adequacy of data
    • estimating ranges of values which can satisfy the given relationship


Our action plan

· refresh math concepts thrice

· learn reasoning skills, which can help a student solve a question in less than 30 seconds

You need to work on 700+ questions.


GMAT Data insights

 tests your ability to analyse, synthesize, compare, contrast, infer from, integrate and judge data presented in multiple formats such as verbal texts, graphs, tables and charts.


IR tests both your numerical ability and logical skills. Your math and reasoning skills learnt in the other sections of the test will help you in this section.


We teach you how to interpret graphs, sort tabular data, draw conclusions by integrating data from multiple sources, and make decisions.


Extensive practice of IR questions will prepare you for the test.


Our action plan: You  are made to work on 150 Integrated reasoning questions.

You need to do

20 math section tests and 20 verbal section tests

5+ mock CATs to get test confidence.


If you need a customized study plan

Feel free to reach me 

My linkedin profile:

My facebook group: